Brandon Nelson


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Front/Back End Web Development, Mobile App Development, Game Development


Rep Companion: Gym Buddy Finder 2024

Group project gym buddy finding website.

Group project Javascript Bootstrap React Meteor MongoDB Uniforms

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Hotel Management 2023

C++ group project that manages rooms and customers in a hotel.

Group project C++

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Statistician 2022

Java project that collects and stores sequences.

Class project Java

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Building Foundations in Software Engineering

10 May 2024

Introduction Through my software engineering course, ICS 314, I engaged deeply with several key aspects of software development. This included Agile Project Management through the use of Issue Driven Project Management (IDPM), experiencing User Interface Frameworks with a focus on...

Software Engineering Education Web Development

The Potential of AI

07 May 2024

I. Introduction The integration of Artificial Intelligence in education marks a shift in how students learn and apply technological skills. AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Co-Pilot have become instrumental tools in providing on-demand educational support for code development and...

Education Aritifial Intelligence ChatGPT

Jumping Into Bootstrap 5

22 Feb 2024

UI Frameworks UI frameworks, at first glance, might look like an additional layer of complexity and creating websites from scratch using raw HTML and CSS might seem like an easier route. However, the main reason for using UI frameworks is...

UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5 Web Development

The Art of Smart Questions

25 Jan 2024

What are smart questions? In the dynamic field of software engineering, the art of asking smart questions proves to be a pivotal skill, building effective communication and collaborative problem-solving within the community. Smart questions serve as efficient tools for acquiring...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

My Coding Journey

17 Jan 2024

My coding journey started seven years ago when I first started college at the age of twenty-two. I was eager to learn, not knowing what to expect and asking myself what I might be able to create in the future....

JavaScript Learning