The Art of Smart Questions

25 Jan 2024

What are smart questions?

In the dynamic field of software engineering, the art of asking smart questions proves to be a pivotal skill, building effective communication and collaborative problem-solving within the community. Smart questions serve as efficient tools for acquiring assistance, providing a clear expression of the problem at hand and creating the path toward resolution. Smart questions are distinguished by their ability to not only enable clear communication but also hasten the resolution process. By incorporating crucial details such as code snippets and comprehensive solution attempts, these questions offer responders a thorough understanding, thus accelerating the quest for a solution. Also, smart questions contribute significantly to a collaborative learning environment. They initiate discussions that not only result in practical insights but also encourage the exchange of alternative solutions. The act of asking smart questions transforms into a shared learning experience, benefiting not only the questioner but also enriching the broader community.

The good

One smart question that I came across, “Vanilla JavaScript equivalent of jQuery’s $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it,” is a prime example of a well-structured and clear question. The question title is compact and detailed for what is to be looked at and articulates the challenge. The question body provides context with code snippets, and the person asking did their homework, showing examples of what they could or couldn’t do in the process of finding the answer. Because of the smart question, the solutions provided are in full detail with multiple community members assisting to share information. This type of question not only benefits the asker but also contributes to the collective knowledge of the community.

The bad

A bad question that I came across, “handle input box in map using Reactjs,” exhibits poor and incomplete information. First of all, the question title does not provide enough information for the community to know what they’re working with. Second, there isn’t enough information in the question itself. The only provided information that is given is a partial code snippet and the asker saying that there is some sort of error without any explanation as to what sort of error is happening. Because of this, the answers provided have to make assumptions based on the incomplete information, which further complicates the problem. The asker fails to articulate the undesired behavior or errors, hindering the community’s ability to provide targeted solutions.

Why it matters

These examples underscore the importance of asking questions intelligently. Smart questions encourage a collaborative learning environment by providing clear context, articulating the problem, and demonstrating a proactive approach to problem-solving. On the other hand, less effective questions hinder the potential for meaningful engagement and solutions by lacking clarity, specificity, and a demonstration of effort. Asking smart questions is not just about seeking answers; it’s about cultivating a culture of collaboration and shared learning within the software development community. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, mastering the art of asking smart questions contributes not only to your own growth but also to the growth of the entire community.